A downloadable tool

Great for making maps for video games or table top games.

Recommended Values

Walk Cycle:

Size = 100 (max 400 x 400, but may be slow on low-spec laptops)

Iterations = Depends on how many pixels you'd like (max 16000)

Island Size = iterations / the amount of islands (for example if iterations is 1600 and you want two islands make island size 800), remember there may be some additional islands if the generation system hits the bounds, this may be changed later. (max 16000)

Perlin Noise:

Size = 100 (max 400 x 400, but may be slow on low-spec laptops)

iterations is N/A

Island Size = 10 - 25 (basically just magnifies the map the higher it is)

Ensure you move the images out to an external location. If you reopen the app it'll save over the images.


Izzet's Map Generator.zip 28 MB

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